
Thursday 24th June -MPE/MeCCSA Practice Network Symposium 2021 Schedule

OPEN SPACE INTERACTIVE SESSION Thursday 24th June, all day

The Open Space interactive sessions are intended to be participator led interactive discussion sessions. If you are new to Open Space style events we recommend you take a look at the information provided before you join the session which will be hosted in


Thursday 24th June All Day

[NOTE:  link and password will be emailed to all delegates prior to the start of the first session]

Opening – Session One: 9:30-10:30

If you would like to host an interactive session this is when you will get an opportunity to propose as topic, question or problem you would like to discuss. If you propose a session, then it is your responsibility to host it. You will also need to either document the discussion yourself or appoint someone to do that with you.

After the session you will need to write up your notes and turn them into a boog post you can email to the symposium organisers (more on that below). Once all the sessions have been proposed and added to the schedule for the day, everyone leaves and has a cup of tea/coffee/takes a break.

Remember that the theme we would like to explore for the symposium is: Provoking Practice: new forms of reach, impact and significance

Interactive – Session Two: 11:00-12:00

When the participants re-join the room, you will all see areas have been set up labelled with the title of the topics that have been proposed. Just go to the area that interests you and join the circle and participate in the conversation. There is a maximum number of people in a circle of 15 people so if it gets busy, join a different circle or start your own.

Interactive – Session Three: 13:00-14:00

As for the morning session when participants re-join the room, you will all see areas have been set up labelled with the title of the topics that have been proposed. Just go to the area that interests you and join the circle and participate in the conversation. There is a maximum number of people in a circle of 15 people so if it gets busy, join a different circle or start your own.

Closing – Session Four: 14:30-15:30

At the conclusion of the afternoon session everyone will have an opportunity for a quick break before we re-convene in a circle and each of the topic session hosts will get an opportunity to give a brief summary of their session. The topic hosts will also write up the session as a short blog and email it to the symposium organisers so we can add it to the website (a template will be provided for formatting this document).


  • Familiarise yourself with how Open Space Works
  • Make sure you can access
  • Have an open mind and adventurous spirit